Thursday, December 27, 2018

I Got My Answer – by Charlie Macias

Did I tell you I got my answer? That would be a lie. There is no answer. Just ever-changing highs, huh-whuhs, absences and more highs. You wanna know why? Because I can’t settle for the obvious (?) no, because her looks get to me, because she gives me that smile, because I don’t want to believe nothing’s going to happen.

I may leave with no answer.

This, my friends, is called sweet confusion.

But don’t worry. Charlie is cool at this end of the year.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Its Own World (August 2018) – by Charlie Macias

Talking to yourself about her
It’s its own world
All the ups and downs
You’re sure, you’re not sure
The evidence is obvious
The evidence is misconstrued
Sometimes you get so angry
Sometimes you get so blue
What the hell is going on??
But you know the answer
You ask for a sign
You yell in the car, smack the steering wheel
And you ask for a sign
The desperation makes you laugh
And so relief is delivered
And you can go back to banging your head against a wall

Monday, July 23, 2018

Smacked by the Angel of Love – by Charlie Macias

I was out walking, just minding my own business. (No, I was not whistling) I walked around the corner and PUM!

Now why did she have to go and do that?

So who am I to fall in love with? The first lady I meet? That cute girl back at the office? The wonderful cheeseburger and French fries lunch I’m headed to? Will I end up clucking like a chicken?

I’m frightened. I haven’t been in love in a long time. Then a message from her was transferred to my mind, “Trust love. But be diligent about love.”

Huh???  What???!

I think I’ll just wing it!

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Belinda's Cafe - by Charlie Macias

She was good at writing little notes to herself. She was good at making lists. To-Do lists mostly. And sometimes things on the lists actually got done!

She had prepped and listed for all that needed to get done for the gathering. Cooking, baking, and cleaning the place.

All were enjoying themselves so she felt happy.

(Alternate dark ending)

What did and didn’t get done? Let’s take a look at her list! Got done: make cake, make soup, wash utensils. What didn’t get done: meet new people, stop living in an imaginary world, get out of the house once in a while.

New item on her checklist? “Don’t call Charlie an insensitive jerk-off.”

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Threesome – by Charlie Macias

1.   The talk was......decent.   It didn't break any barriers. It didn't invoke revolution. Some people described it as staid and proper. Many just walked on by. Now it has been institutionalized and many folk enjoy decent conversation. Or, as the millennials say: decent convo.

2.   Seattle cannot hear you. Heck, even Portland shrugs its shoulders. You DID conjure up something the other night, though. Too bad you can’t remember it. So we seek out the gods for help. Too bad you don’t believe in god. It’s that misty, rainy, wet weather that messes with my good vibes going north.

3.   And suddenly there were two. Out of the blue. Let’s just say that I woke myself up real fast! Yes, it was unreal. But the possibility had not come about for a long time. What to do? “What to do??????” Idiot. Nothing’s going to happen. You had that stupid smile on your face the whole time. Yet it was this wonderful thing coming out of nowhere, coming on the start of a crappy day. What a stupid smile.